The Commemorative Lectures by the 2009 Blue Planet Prize winners will be held at the following time and place:
Date & Time : October 19, 2009
1:30 - 5:00 p.m. (Admittance from 1:00 p.m.)
Place : U Thant International Conference Hall
at the United Nations University
(5-53-70, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Admission : Free
< Program >
Part One
Lecturer Professor Hirofumi Uzawa
Q&A Coordinator Professor Kazuo Matsushita
Professor, Graduate School of
Global Environmental Studies,
Kyoto University
Part Two
Lecturer Lord Nicholas Stern
Q&A Coordinator Professor Kazuhiro Ueta
Professor, Graduate School of Economics,
Kyoto University
< Applications and Enquires >
On a postage‐paid self-addressed postcard(one postcard per person),
please write the following information clearly:
・phone number
And send it to :
The Asahi Glass Foundation
2nd Floor, Science Plaza, 5-3, Yonbancho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0081
Application deadline: September 25th, 2009
200 people will be admitted to this lecture. Should applications exceed this number a selection will be made by lottery.
Applicants those who will be admitted will receive their tickets by mail.
(Due to the security system of the University, applicants those received their tickets must bring them to enter.)