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Conditions for Survival

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The Report "Conditions for Survival"

The Report 'Conditions for Survival'

The Asahi Glass Foundation established the Round Table Conference on Global Environmental Issues consisting of members of the Board of Directors and Councillors of the Foundation in December 2006. The Conference held discussions during the next three year period on issues confronting the human race, bringing together the expertise of the members representing different fields. As the final report of the Conference, presenting a new vision for society in the 21st century, the book titled Conditions for Survival – Toward a Solar Energy-Based Society Full of Vibrant Life was published in May 2010. The book was presented to libraries across the country as well as to individuals who had requested a copy. The English version of the report was published in November 2010 and the text can now be downloaded from the Foundation's website.

Symposium "Conditions for Survival" ( 7 July 2011)

Symposium Conditions for Survival

The report received considerable interest domestically as well as internationally, and to provide an opportunity for even more people to think about the new vision for society, the Foundation held the Symposium "Conditions for Survival". In the first session, three Blue Planet Prize winners who contributed articles in the report were invited to give a talk and they shared their views on global environmental issues.
In the second session, first, Prof. Ma Xiaojun of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, who played a leading role in publishing the Chinese version of Conditions for Survival gave a talk on the Chinese perspective on global environmental issues. It was followed by a panel discussion, coordinated by Professor Emeritus Akio Morishima of Nagoya University, discussing "New Ideas for a New Age" with the four speakers.

Speeches are original (without translation)
Lecturer Video Slide
Mr. Lester R. Brown Mr. Lester R. Brown
President and Senior Researcher, Earth Policy Institute
World on the Edge
Dr. Norman Myers Dr. Norman Myers
Fellow, Green College and Said Business School, Oxford University
A Time of "Firsts"
Dr. Emil Salim Dr. Emil Salim
Chairman, The Advisory Council to the President;
Member of the Senate Board, The University of Indonesia
Revitalizing the Web of Life - The Ecological Approach Towards Restoring Life on our Only One Earth
Professor MA Xiao jun Professor MA Xiao jun
Professor, Institute of International Strategic Studies, Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
China's Green Development Strategy from a Energy Industry View
Panel Discussion Conditions for Survival: New Ideas for a New Age
Coordinated by Prof. Akio Morishima Coordinated by Prof. Akio Morishima
Professor Emeritus, Nagoya University

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PDF Handout material of the Symposium (1.2MB)
PDF af-news No.41 (470KB)

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of Data
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  • The Asahi Glass Foundation
  • Research Grant Program
  • Scholarship Program
  • Blue Planet Prize
  • Blue Planet Prize Laureates' UNEP Paper
  • Questionnaire on Environmental Problems and the Survival of Humankind
  • Gring and Woodin's Environmental Doomsday Clock
  • Conditions for Survival
  • Publications
  • For Online File