The Asahi Glass Foundation TOP

The Asahi Glass Foundation



The Asahi Glass Foundation strives to contribute to the creation of a society that can transmit the genuine wealth of human civilization by supporting advanced research and outstanding students, in addition by recognizing efforts to solve environmental issues that call for global solutions.


The Asahi Glass Foundation was established in 1933 as the Asahi Foundation for Chemical Industry Promotion, to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary (1932) of the founding of Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.
Over more than half a century, the Foundation focused primarily on fostering research in the field of applied chemistry.
In 1990, the Foundation undertook an overall redesign of its programs, expanding the scope of its activities and establishing its commendation program. At the same time it was renamed the Asahi Glass Foundation.
In 2018, the Foundation received the scholarship program due to the merger with the Asahi Glass Scholarship Foundation(AGSF). AGSF established in 1957. Since then, the AGSF provided scholarships to superior Japanese students who are in need of economic ssistance. In addition, the international students in Japan became eligible in 1990. In 2012, its target was expanded to the high school students who were affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

1933 The Asahi Foundation for Chemical Industry Promotion was established to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. (1932)
1934 Recognized as the Asahi Foundation for Chemical Industry Promotion, a non-profit organization, it begins providing grants to university researchers in applied chemistry
1957 AGSF was established to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. (1932)*
1958 AGSF begins scholarship program for Japanese students*
1961 Name is changed to the Asahi Glass Foundation for Industrial Technology
1982 Grants begin in support of Chulalongkorn Universuty, Thailand
1988 Grants begin in support of Instutut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
1990 Renamed the Asahi Glass Foundation
AGSF begins scholarship program for international students in Japan*
1991 Diversifies its research programs in the natural sciences
1992 Begins providing research grants in the fields of humanities and social sciences Blue Planet Prize established, held the first awards ceremony and commemorative lectures, which subsequently become annual events Conducts its first survey, “Questionnaire on Environmental Problems and the Survival of Humankind;” which also becomes an annual activity
1993 Inaugural seminar held to present findings from Asahi Glass Foundation-assisted research, now an annual event
1994 Publishes Zaidan 60 nen no ayumi, a history of its 60 years, in Japanese
1997 A Better Future for the Planet Earth published, commemorating the fifth anniversary of the Blue Planet Prize (every 5 years' publish since then)
2002 10th anniversary commemorative lectures held
2006 First “Round Table Conference on Global Environment Problems” held
2008 Begins grant programs including “Continuation Grants for Young Researchers” and “Continuation Grants for Outstanding Projects”
2009 Publishes Our Vision: Conditions for Survival; English, Chinese, Korean, Arabic and French versions followed in 2010-15
Becomes a Public Interest Incorporated Foundation as of December 1
2010 Begins new grant program “Environmental Research: The Kondo Grant”
Publishes Conditions for Survival - Toward a “Solar Energy-Based Society” Full of Vibrant Life
2011 Symposium Conditions for Survival held
2012 Grants begin in support of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
The Blue Planet Prize laureates jointly presented a paper titled Environment and Development Challenges: The Imperative to Act
AGSF begins scholarship program for students affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake*
2013 Begins grantees from the technical colleges
2014 Publishes Environment and Development Challenges
2017 +25 years commemorative conference of the establishment of The Blue Planet Prize held
2018 Begins the scholarship program due to the merger with AGSF
*Program of the Asahi Glass Scholarship Foundation(AGSF)