2018 旭硝子財団 助成研究発表会 要旨集
a HeLaLOV2 FRET2120LOV2[3]sREAChShadowYCloverCloverT153M/F223R 3. CloverShadowYFRETCaMKIINCmGFPShadowGFRET[4]2-32CloverShadowYGCdc42 FRET FRET2 4. [1] D. Lleres, S. Swift and A. I. Lamond, 2007. Current protocols in cytometry, Chapter 12, Unit12 10. [2] H. Murakoshi, AC. Shibata, 2017. Scientific Reports, 7: 6791. [3] M. Kimura and T. Kagawa, 2006. Current opinion in plant biology 9: 503-508. [4] H. Murakoshi, A. C. Shibata, Y. Nakahata and J. Nabekura, 2015. Scientific reports, 5: 15334. 5. 444-8585 38 Tel: 0564-55-7857 Email: murakosh@nips.ac.jp 1 2 -91-