2018 旭硝子財団 助成研究発表会 要旨集

1(1) 2: 3: , , , . , , . , 6(), , . , , , . 3. , , (). , , , . 4. [1] IPCC (2014) Summary for policymakers. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Chang (pp. 32). Cambridge, UK and New York, USA: Cambridge University Press. [2] Kreyling, J., Haei, M., Laudon, H. (2012) Absence of snow cover reduces understory plant cover and alters plant community composition in boreal forests. Oecologia 168:577–587. [3] Makoto, K., Kajimoto, T., Koyama, L., Kudo, G., Shibata, H., Yanai, Y., Cornelissen, J.H.C. (2014) Winter climate change in plant-soil system: summary of recent findings and future perspective. Ecological Research. 29: 593-606. [5] Blakinship, J.C., Meadows, M.W., Lucas, R.G., Hart, S.C. (2014) Snowmelt timing alters shallow but not deep soil moisture in the Sierra Nevada. Water Res Res 50:1448–1456. 5. 131 makoto@fsc.hokudai.ac.jp -171-

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