2018 旭硝子財団 助成研究発表会 要旨集
4 1 2 3 CO2 4 () 1144 12 ,1 POP 2 519 1027 OLS COCOCO 33. 44. [1]Cruz, N.F., Simoes, P., Marques, R. C., 2012. Economic cost recovery in the recycling of packaging waste: thecase of Portugal. Journal of Cleaner Production, 37(2012) 8-18. [2]Kojima.R., Ishikawa.M., 2017. Consumer Willingness to pay for packaging and content in Asian countries. Waste Management, 2017 Jun 29. pii: S0956-053X(17)30483-X. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2017.06.042 [3]OECD, 2011, Invention and Transfer of Environmental Technologies, OECD Studies on Environmental Innovation, OECD, Paris, PP.133, [4]Silayoi, P, Speece M. 2007. The importance of packaging attributes: a conjoint analysis approach. European Journal of Marketing, 41(11/12): 1495-1517. [5] .,2012., .,http://www.meti.go.jp/policy/recycle/main/data/research/h24fy/h2503-yourimri/h2503-yourimri-04_01.pdf 55. 6578501,,0788036833Emailkojima@econ.kobe-u.ac.jp -167-