2018 旭硝子財団 助成研究発表会 要旨集

chain-type SrCuO2“”“”2)chain-type SrCuO2cEscan vchain-type SrCuO2c ǁ Escanc ǁ vv 1 (SThM) (SThM: Scanning Thermal Microscopy) () (2) 3(a) LCCO (~300 nm) SiO2 (~300 nm) ITO (~200 nm) MOSITO 3. (a) (b) LCCO 3(b)LCCO~3000 cm−1 two-magnonLCCOV4V = 01st, −3, −6, 02nd, 3, 6, 03rd V3)4(a) two-magnon0 V (b)3 Vtwo-magnon6 VSiO2/LCCO 4. (a) V ≤ 0(b) V ≥ 0. 3. MOSLCCO 4. 1) N. Terakado, R. Takahashi, Y. Takahashi, T. Fujiwara, Synthesis of chain-type SrCuO2 by laser irradiation on sputtered layer-type SrCuO2 film, Thin Solid Films 603, 303–306 (2016). 2) N. Terakado, R. Takahashi, Y. Takahashi, T. Fujiwara, Line patterning of anisotropic spin chains by polarized laser for application in micro-thermal management, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 191902 (2017). 3) ITO/SiO2/La–Ca–Cu–O/ITO ()65 (/2018320). 5. terakado@laser.apph.tohoku.ac.jp-121-

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